
Vure gaan hoog brand op Gobabis

Die NLU Agribraai vind vanjaar op 14 en 15 Junie by die Gobabis-skougronde plaas. Omuramba-boerevereniging het verlede jaar op Mariental as die braaikonings geseëvier en bied vanjaar se NLU Agribraai […]

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Ses vas vir droogtehulp-diefstal

Tuyeimo Haidula – Ses staatsamptenare wat na bewering kos gesteel het wat vir droogtehulp bestem was, is verlede week borgtog geweier en hul saak tot 2 April vir verdere ondersoek […]

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Abattoirs slag minder beeste in Desember

Ellanie Smit – Die aantal beeste wat by uitvoerabattoirs geslag word, sal na verwagting vanjaar styg, hoewel dié syfers in Desember gedaal het. Dit volgens die Raad vir Lewende hawe […]

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Riedel-saak hervat Januarie

“Hy lieg net. Hy het gehoor hoe die boer skree.” So het Fransina Araeb Donderdag in die hof getuig toe sy gevra is oor haar eksman se getuienis wat die […]

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Accurate data crucial for hunting industry

The practice of detailed reporting in Namibia’s hunting industry is fundamental to the country’s wildlife management. According to the Namibia Professional Hunting Association (Napha), the importance of comprehensive and accurate […]

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How to successfully farm chickens

Raising chickens is rapidly becoming a lucrative farming enterprise that provides affordable products to households across Namibia. However, achieving success in chicken farming is highly dependent on the housing, feed […]

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Red meat consumption dwindles globally

Based on current outlooks, it seems that due to the dwindling consumption of red meat, producer prices are expected to remain under pressure, at least in the short term. Indications […]

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Minimum loon kom dalk in 2024

Brigitte Weidlich – Die regering se jarelange plan om ’n landswye minimum loon in te stel, moet nou teen Maart 2024 geïmplementeer word. So het die minister van arbeid, werkskepping […]

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