The Charcoal Association of Namibia (CAoN) represents the majority of charcoal producers in Namibia and now also has two members in Botswana. As a non-profit voluntary association, CAoN has no authority to stop its members from doing business with non-members, however, it has the right to caution its members when they deal with buyers/agents/processors who are not following the rules and guidelines of CAoN or the Namibian law. CAoN closely collaborates with the department of forestry in the environmental ministry and is often used as an advisor, especially when it comes to new guidelines for charcoal production.

The department of forestry has the authority to suspend charcoal producers and/or agents if they contravene the laws. We often have queries from non-charcoal farmers who want to lay charges against offenders. CAoN can only advise farmers what to do and can take this up with forestry, which holds authority in the outcome of an investigation. We condemn all illegal activities and will follow up with forestry on these. There are currently many infringements by charcoal producers not following the guidelines.

CAoN cannot condone this and will support forestry in fining these members. We are here to support the whole industry and will not take the side of a member if he/she infringes on the laws. (NAU electronic newsletters, 24 March 2023)

Contact CAoN at 067-304 220.

[Source – Agriforum Namibia]

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